
Archive for the ‘Lea Stermer’ Category

Channeling PEACE


Have you talked with your Soul recently?

Do you wonder why you are here in this life and what your purpose is?  What is your life plan?

You may often communicate with angels, spirits guides, ascended masters, etc. but the Soul has the wisdom to answer all your questions.

Your Soul has been with you for all of your incarnations and is the direct connection to God/Universal Force/ Divine Spirit.

The gentle yet powerful love of Divine Spirit (your Soul) is within you and ready to guide you through the challenges you meet in your life.

The Soul can answer your questions of why things are happening to you and how you can best evolve to the oneness with Divine Spirit.

We see you struggle with fears and concerns and we know that within you are all your answers.

Know that your Soul is your gift from Divine Spirit to lighten your load and bring you peace and joy.


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Channeling from PEACE


As a people, you search for lives full of peace and happiness.

Often that search focuses outward on material things and society.

If you step back and look inward to the truth of who you are in relationship to the Universal Force/God/Divine Spirit, you quickly find in that oneness the true source of inner peace and happiness.

All that you need and wish for is found in that Inner Source.

How easy is that.


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